Alexa_witness to murder

[TIME, May, 15, 2017 – “Alexa Takes the Stand …”] — It’s a murder case in Bentonville, Ark. It’s a case of “he says/’it’ says.” And it’s not just Amazon Echo’s “Alexa” doing the testifying for the prosecution. It appears a number of “smart” devices at the scene of the crime are on the witness list.

Unprecedented? You bet! “The case, which goes to trial in July, marks the first time ever that data recorded by an Echo, or any other artificial intelligence-powered device, like Google’s Home or Samsung’s smart TV, will be submitted as evidence in court,” TIME reports. One quoted legal specialist adds: “We are living in an always on, always connected world. We are creating records that have never existed before.”

But wait, there’s more! TIME addresses the bigger issue in cases like this having to do with privacy. “In the context of devices, like the Echo, whose microphones are always on and that live within the walls of our homes, we ought to rethink the scope of privacy altogether. After all, our interactions with an Alexa or a Siri are in many ways unprecedented.”

In making their point on this matter, the article brings into view the all-new Echo Look which “features a depth-sensing camera and LED lights, and is designed to perch in your bedroom, where it can best offer fashion advice.” The concern here is that we are “standing alone, half-dressed in our bedrooms, trying on clothes for Echo Look.”

“The sleek device listens for your command and quickly takes photos and videos of the outfit you’re wearing. It’ll even use AI to judge your outfit,” writes Matt Weinberger in the April 26 edition of BusinessInsider.com . “In a lot of ways, it’s at least a little creepy. You’re basically paying Amazon for a microphone and camera to put in your bedroom. And Amazon confirms that the photos are stored on its computers indefinitely, until you manually delete them.”

Read more of the TIME article HERE.

So, what’s the point here?

The Revelation File focuses on global trends and issues that are among the signs of the nearness of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, as prophesied in scripture. The Bible identifies the signs of those times, “the last days.”

Among those signs would be the coming of a world leader who would, literally, “rule the world.” Historically and prophetically, he is known as “the antichrist.” Prophecies in Daniel, 2 Thessalonians and the Book of Revelation all predict that this one will, at one point in his rule, declare himself and conduct himself as being “God” in the flesh. To successfully pull this off, he must show himself to possess the very attributes of divinity: omnipresence (be everywhere at the same time), omnipotence (be all-powerful), and omniscience (be all-knowing of all things). Hard to do for a mere mortal without outside aid … which is where advanced technology like this comes in.

In this particular application, the newest of “omni-” attributes comes into view: omniveillance … “a form of omnipresent and omniscient digital surveillance.”

Never before in the history of man have such things as these existed. The man who would be god will fulfill the dreams and aspirations of all dictators and despots that have preceded him (Dan. 11:36–39).


About jesusonthehorizon

The Revelation File is hosted and edited by Wally Wood in Houston TX. It began as a daily radio news commentary over the Sonlight Radio Network from 1980 to 1984 and, in 1985, over KSBJ in Houston, as part of the Christian News Network that Wally had started at the time. The “RevFile” eventually became a nationwide subscription news service to the body of Christ in the late 1990s ... and has expanded still further to include the quarterly "Revelation File News Forum" at Encourager Church in Houston. To receive The Revelation File newsletter by email, send your request to: info@revelationfile.com. For more information about the Forums, see details on the "Events" page of this website, or go to the "Contact Us" page to schedule a Forum event for your church.
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